The Revenue Department of the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh keeps track of land records. These documents are essential for keeping track of land transactions, ownership information, and legal rights. To increase efficiency and transparency, the state administration has started to modernise and digitise land records. Using Samagra ID you can access various sevices in Madhya Pradesh. Similar SSO ID is available in Rajasthan.
Here are some important details concerning Madhya Pradesh's land records:
Online Land Records: The Madhya Pradeshi government has set up a website called "Bhulekh" that allows users to access land records. This website offers data on real estate transactions, property ownership, and other pertinent information.
The official website for viewing land records in Madhya Pradesh is called Bhulekh MP. It provides land records services such checking land information, confirming property ownership, and acquiring copies of land records.
These distinctive identifiers, known as the Khasra Number and Khatauni Number, are used to pinpoint certain land parcels in Madhya Pradesh. The Khatauni number corresponds to the record of the proprietor, whereas the Khasra number designates a specific land parcel.
Land ownership and title are established through the land records, which aid in proving these facts. Before purchasing, selling, or transferring property, it is crucial to confirm the land records to ensure legal clarity.
Land records must be updated by a procedure known as "mutation" whenever there is a change in land ownership as a result of a sale, inheritance, or other transactions.